Competition and yoga are two words you don’t see put together very often. It’s also quite difficult to imagine yoga as anything more than a class that you go to after work. However, it’s a thing, and the world of competitive yoga is making great leaps to establish itself as an Olympic sport. Already celebrating […]
Pose for sport: welcome to competitive yoga
How to tell if you have a good yoga teacher
For a lot of people who do yoga, they end up sticking with the first instructor they visit. This is out of convenience or fear of the unknown more than anything else. Maybe it’s because the studio is close to their house or maybe it’s because they get a great discount for buying class sessions […]
Busting the myths on Yoga body types
One of the most harmful yoga stereotypes that continues to circulate is that overweight people shouldn’t or can’t do it. We’re here to tell you that is 100 percent false. Anyone, regardless of how much they weigh, can take part in yoga if they choose to. You have probably heard many of the myths about […]
5 minutes is all you need for yoga
How many times have you told yourself that you are too busy to do yoga? It happens to us all from time to time, and there is no reason to feel bad about it. However, just because you don’t have time to attend a class doesn’t necessarily mean you have to skip yoga altogether. In […]