How to keep up your yoga practice on the road

Many yoga practitioners love to travel, but, despite good intentions, keeping up with the practice while on the road can be challenging. As you explore new places, cultures and foods, it’s easy to forget about the routines of your normal life, yoga being one of them. So how can you maintain your yoga practice while […]

Is it a bad idea to play music in a yoga class?

Nowadays, we listen to music wherever we are. We listen to it while we’re in the train, while we’re in a restaurant, while we’re working out and even while we’re walking around town. But should we be playing it during our yoga sessions? Since yoga is a meditative practice that involves movement, it can seem […]

Three benefits of practicing Acroyoga

Two strong young women demonstrating an acrobatic yoga pose in a yoga studio This particular discipline of yoga combines traditional yoga poses and flows with basic acrobatic skills to enhance strength and core training. Among the many variations of yoga available today, acroyoga stands out from the rest because it’s a focused and fun way […]

How yoga can benefit Alzheimer’s

Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is a key protein that helps diminish neural degradation. People with Alzheimer’s, however, are found to have significantly lower NGF levels causing them to be more vulnerable to the disease. Breakthrough research has revealed that NGF levels can be increased by introducing yoga into your fitness routines. Here are two easy […]

Why newbies shouldn’t give up on yoga

Your first yoga class can be intimidating. You’re in a room full of strangers, some wearing very little clothing, all stretching and contorting their bodies. As you see some of the more experienced students shifting into poses straight out of the cirque du soleil, you may feel a mixture of shock, amazement and embarrassment. How […]

How to tell if you have a good yoga teacher

For a lot of people who do yoga, they end up sticking with the first instructor they visit. This is out of convenience or fear of the unknown more than anything else. Maybe it’s because the studio is close to their house or maybe it’s because they get a great discount for buying class sessions […]

Practicing Yama off the mat

It’s quite common to see advertisements portraying yoga as a workout to achieve a flat belly and toned arms. However, behind its misconception as a modern fashionable trend for physical health, true practitioners know that real yoga is a balm for the soul, not the body. Ultimately, practicing yoga will set your mind and body […]

Improve your poses with vibrating yoga pants

There’s no doubt, yoga pants are in style these days. While they have a practical use in the studio to add additional comfort to your practice, what if they could do more? The fashion tech company known as Wearable Experiments believes they can. Later this year, they plan to release vibrating yoga pants that will […]

Busting the myths on Yoga body types

One of the most harmful yoga stereotypes that continues to circulate is that overweight people shouldn’t or can’t do it. We’re here to tell you that is 100 percent false. Anyone, regardless of how much they weigh, can take part in yoga if they choose to. You have probably heard many of the myths about […]

Is your Yoga Teacher Making these Mistakes?

Of course, it takes a lot of time, dedication and effort to become a fitness instructor, whatever discipline you are primarily working in. But as in any industry some people are simply better suited to their role than others. Whether that’s through not keeping up with developments in their field, a tendency to believe anything […]

Kick-start your morning with yoga

Let’s face it, most of us prefer the extra time in bed to getting up and hitting the mat for an early morning yoga session. But believe it or not, there’s nothing better than an energizing morning yoga practice to calm your mind and set yourself up for an amazing and productive day. So don’t […]